150 Days of HTML

Chapter 3 - The title element

Chapter 2 was a quick one and introduced you to the head element and the concept of metadata. In this chapter we dig into the first piece of metadata we will add to our webpages, the title tag.

Seems like such a simple element, and it is, but while simple, it is critical to orient a user. The title uniquely identifies the current page in browser history, is the first piece of information read to users using screen readers; it is the title shown to users in search results and when sharing on social media, and is great for SEO(search engine optimisation) aka Google Juice 🍹

With that said, keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your title:

  • Be concise when writing your titles and aim to keep the total character count at around 60.
  • Remember that document titles should make sense when read out of context.

For example, the title for this chapter would read:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>The HTML title element - Chapter 3 | 150 Days of HTML</title>

The title tag does not have any special attributes but supports all the global attributes, one of which is translate. Using this attribute, you can prevent translation tools from localising your page title.

Why would you ever want to do that though?

Glad you asked. Your page title could be the title of a poem or a song. In those cases you do not want the title translated.

<title translate="no">Revoir Paris | Roland Dyens</title>

Here, it would also be prudent to add a lang attribute indicating the primary language used in the title tag.

<title translate="no" lang="fr">Revoir Paris | Roland Dyens</title>

That covers the title element and the third element of our journey through HTML. Tomorrow we will cover an element many people have probably never heard of. 🤔 But that is where we will leave it for now. 😸

  1. Providing descriptive titles for Web pages
  2. Understanding Success Criterion 2.4.2: Page Titled
  3. title element on MDN Web Docs

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