150 Days of HTML

Chapter 14 | The style element

As mentioned in the previous chapter, in this chapter we will look at a new element, the style element. Earlier when we discussed the link element we covered linking an external stylesheet to our document using something like:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css" media="screen" />

While it is best practice to use external style sheets in order to ensure a separation of concerns, there are instances where the style element can be very useful indeed. One of the problems with loading a style sheet via the link element is that it is a blocking operation. This means that the browsers parse and execute algorithm needs to stop and wait for the CSS file to be fetched and parsed before it can proceed with the rest of the document.

Depending on the size of the external style sheet you are fetching this can have a perceptible negative impact on performance for end-users. Because of this, there are a couple of techniques that are commonly used to avoid this problem. One is to split large style sheets up into multiple smaller chunks and loading them individually(this works particularly well with HTTP2). Another is lazy loading some of the CSS, and a third is to inline critical CSS. More often than not, it is a combination of all three of these that result in the best outcome.

It is with inlining critical CSS where the style element then comes into play. As with the link element, you can use the media attribute on the style element. You can also use the media attribute as you would with the link element to specify either a standard keyword token such as print or, any valid media query. Unlike the link element, the style element does not require that you specify the type via the type attribute. If the type attribute is present, its value should be either an empty string or text/css. Any other value will cause the browser to abort parsing and execution of the contents of the style element.

<style media="screen and (max-width:47.9385em)">
  .hero {
    display: none;

<style media="screen">
  .hero {
    margin: 40px 0;
    background-color: #ffdd00;
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    z-index: 9;

But be careful, just because the style element itself is not blocking, that is not the whole story 😩 Depending on what sub-resources are referenced by the CSS inside the style block, and the user agent, it might still be blocking. Generally, it should only be blocking if the CSS inside the style element loads other external style sheets via the @import declaration. However, some user agents consider assets such as background images and web fonts as critical sub-resources as well.

With all of that said, the style element can be an integral piece in the performance puzzle for your website. That then concludes the head of our HTML documents. From tomorrow, we jump into the body 😁

Until then, keep making the web awesome! ☕️

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